Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Why not clean your teeth with coconut oil, an ancient Indian technique to benefit your mouth health?

The latest oral health trend or 'oil pulling' is an ancient Indian technique of swishing coconut oil in one's mouth for 10 to 20 minutes per pop.

It also claimed to whitens one's teeth, while boosting our immune system and helps our skin to glow!  Some new research even found this technique could help prevent the formation of plague and development of gum disease.  

Oil pulling enthusiasts also claim that not only does it whiten our teeth but that it could add glow to our skin and keep colds at bay.  It can even help exhaustion.  

Until recently, there has been little scientific evidence to show the benefits of oil pulling.  A new research, published in the Nigerian Journal of Medicine‘s March/April 2015 edition, looked at 60 people between the ages of 16 and 18 who added oil pulling to their oral hygiene routine over a 30 day period. 

Their plaque and gum disease levels were assessed on days 1, 7, 15, and 30. 
After just seven days of oil pulling, levels of plaque and gum disease significantly reduced, and continued to decrease over a period of a month.  The researchers, from Kennur Dental College in India, said ‘Coconut oil is an easily available edible oil.  It is unique because it contains predominantly medium chain fatty acids, of which 45-50 percent is lauric acid.  Lauric acid has proven anti inflammatory and antimicrobial effects.’

Oil pulling is increasingly being added to people’s morning brush and floss routine, but has been a traditional remedy for 3,000 years in Ayurvedic medicine healing system. 

This texchnique involves taking a teaspoon of oil and swishing it round for five to 20 minutes before spitting it out.  Benefits include glowing skin, fresher breath and a better ability to fight colds, exhaustion, etc.  Give it a try?